Scholarships Worth Checking Out
1-800-Wheelchair-Scholarship Fund
($500) - Please submit a 'visual poem', in a style of your choosing, on the theme of overcoming a personal challenge.
Due May 30.
A.T. & Anderson Memorial Sholarship
($1,000) - For American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian AISES members pursuing degrees in the sciences, engineering, medicine, natural resources, math & technology. Requires 3 essays (prompts provided), up to 1,000 words each.
Due March 31, 2020
ACCESS & Ron Herndon Scholarships
($1,500) For current HS senior who will attend a four-year university or college. GPA of 2.0- 3.5. Reside in Oregon or SW Washington. Be of African/African American/African Diaspora/Black/Afro Decent. Demonstrate financial need.
Due March 1.
AFA Teens Scholarship
Scholarships for essays on the impact that Alzheimer’s disease.
Due February 28.
Air Force ROTC Scholarship Program
Air Force ROTC scholarships cover tuition and most lab fees. Also, you’ll receive an annual textbook allowance and up to a $500 spending cash monthly stipend. A variety of full and partial scholarships are available, and certain scholarships have specific requirements.
if you are awarded a scholarship, you become obligated to perform certain duties when you accept and sign an agreement with the United States Air Force.
AISES Intel Scholarship
For American Indian/Alaska Native AISES members pursuing degrees in STEM.
Due March 31.
All About Education Scholarship
($3,000) - In 250 words or less submit a response to the question: "How will a $3,000 scholarship for education make a difference in your life?"
Due April 30.
American Chemical Society Award
($5,000) – Renewable. For underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields. Awards of up to $5,000* are given to qualified students. African American, Hispanic, or American Indian HS seniors or college freshman, sophomores, or juniors pursuing a college degree in the chemical sciences or chemical technology are eligible to apply.
Due March 1.
American Fire Sprinkler Association Scholarship Program
Open to HS seniors. Citizenship/legal residency is required. A total of $20,000 is awarded. Ten (10) winners will receive a scholarship of $2,000 each.
Due April 1.
American Foreign Service Association National HS Essay Contest
For 9-12th graders. Must submit an essay related to Foreign Service. Winner receives $2,500 a trip to Washington, D.C. to meet the Secretary of State, and full tuition for a Semester at Sea educational voyage.(topic provided on website).
Due April 6.
American Indian Graduate Center Scholarship for Undergraduates
Must hold a GPA of 2.7 or higher. Up to $5,000 for one year of study in any chosen major at any accredited institution in the United States.
** NOTE: This page hosts several scholarships targeted to Native American students, some with deadlines as late as July
Due May 1.
American Nuclear Society (ANS) Incoming Freshmen Scholarship
For graduating HS seniors who have enrolled, full-time, in college courses and are pursuing a degree in nuclear engineering or have the intent to pursue a degree in nuclear engineering.
Due April 1.
Anderson Criminal Justice Scholarship
This $5,000 award is payable over two years ($2,500 per year). Preference will be given to students pursuing a career in law enforcement. The applications deadline is February 8, 2019.
Army ROTC Scholarship Program
The Four-Year High School Scholarship is for high school students planning on attending a four-year college program. You must make an eight-year service commitment with the Army; Serve full time in the Army for four years and four years with the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR); OR selected cadets may choose to serve part time in the Army Reserve or Army National Guard while pursuing a civilian career. Contact the high school academic counselor for more information.
ASHG DNA Day Essay Contest
($100-$1,000) - For 9-12th graders. Must submit an essay addressing a question related to genetics.
Due March 3.
Association of Computer Professionals in Education (ACPE) Scholarship
($2,500) - For HS seniors who have been actively involved in the use of technology during their HS careers and are planning to pursue studies in a technology-related field.
Due Feb. 28.
AWG Minority Scholarship
For African American, Hispanic, and American Indian women. HS students who will enter a STEM field during their freshman year may also apply. Must be contributors to the larger world community through their academic and personal strengths.
Due June 30.
AXA Achievement Scholarship
For 7-12th graders. Submit an original piece of art or writing. $500-1,000.
Berrien Fragos Thorn Arts Scholarships for Migrant Farmworkers
($500 - $2,500) A creative arts scholarship to foster and encourage the creative talents of individuals with a history of migration to obtain work in agriculture. Must demonstrate an interest in pursuing further development of their talents in the arts.
Scroll down on page.
Due June 1.
Cameron Impact Scholarship
This scholarship pays full tuition for successful candidates who have displayed strong evidence of leadership, involvement in extracurriculars and community service, and who want to make a positive impact on the world around them.
May - September 2020
CJ Pony Parts Scholarship Video Contest
($500) - Create a short video, under 3 minutes long, on a particular topic.
Due April 15.
College Greenlight: 7th Annual Virtual Scholarship Marathon
On Feb. 23, take part in a full-day event to encourage students to complete scholarship applications. During the event, students can submit entries for hourly raffles and a chance to win a $1,000 scholarship by submitting proof of college and scholarship application work. Entries can include proof of scholarship applications, college applications, FAFSA completion, campus visits, and an organized college list on College Greenlight!
County Office Scholarship
($1,000) - Please write a 500-1500 word essay for the following prompt: "Describe how one of the local government offices (or type of office) listed on our website has improved your own life and/or the lives of people around you." (Note scroll to bottom of site for info).
Due April 30.
Create a Greeting Card Scholarship
($10,000) - Submit original photo, artwork or computer graphics for the front of a greeting card.
Due March 2
Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
($10,000) - Need-based scholarships are awarded to students who are able to do academic work at the college or university level or are enrolled in a trade or technical program and who are active in the progressive movement.
Due: April 1.
Dell Scholars Scholarship
($20,000) - Places greater emphasis on a student’s determination to succeed than just academic record and test scores. GPA requirement is Grit, Potential and Ambition. They reward low-income, highly motivated students who are better than their numbers indicate and demonstrate the drive to succeed despite personal obstacles. Application due December 1, 2018.
Do-Over Scholarship
($1,500) In 250 words or less submit a response to the question: "If you could get one 'do-over' in life, what would it be and why?"
Due June 30, 2019.
E-Waste Scholarship
($1,000) - Complete the application form including a 140-character message about e-waste. The top 10 applications will be selected as finalists. The finalists will be asked to write a full length 500- to 1,000-word essay about e-waste.
Due April 30.
E-Waste Scholarship
($1,000) - Complete the application form including a 140-character message about e-waste. The top 10 applications will be selected as finalists. The finalists will be asked to write a full length 500- to 1,000-word essay about e-waste.
Due April 30.
Education Matters
($5,000) - In 250 words or less submit a response to the question: "What would you say to someone who thinks education doesn't matter, or that college is a waste of time and money?" Application Deadline is November 30, 2018.
Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship
($4,000-$50,000) - Open to any high school senior who is a US Citizen. Applicants will be judged on scholarship, leadership, and financial need. Application due November 15, 2018.
Ewing C. Kelly Scholarship
The Kelly Foundation of Washington is offering $2,500 awards for its scholarship program, the Ewing C. Kelly Scholarship. Applicants will be judged on their academic merit, extracurricular achievements--both scholastically and in their community--and financial need.
The deadline to apply is March 10, 2019. Recipients will be notified in April.
Fifth Month Scholarship
($1,500) - In 250 words or less submit a response to the question: "May is the fifth month of the year. Write a letter to the number five explaining why five is important. Be serious or be funny. Either way, here's a high five to you for being original."
Due May 31.
Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Scholarship
($20,000) - Twenty awards to honors student athletes who demonstrate excellence in school, on their sports teams, and in their communities.
Generation Google Scholarships
The Generation Google Scholarship was established to help aspiring computer scientists excel in technology and become leaders in the field. A group of undergraduate and graduate students will be chosen from the applicant pool, and scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of each candidate's impact on diversity, demonstrated leadership and academic background. Selected students will receive 10,000 USD (for those studying in the US) or 5,000 CAD (for those studying in Canada) for the 2019-2020 school year will also be invited to attend the Google Scholars’ Retreat in the summer of 2019.
Deadline: 12-6-18
Google Lime Scholarship
Scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of candidates' academic background and demonstrated passion for computer science - $10,000 for those studying in the US and $5,000 for those studying in Canada (based on tuition costs). Deadline 12.9.18
Gordon A. Rich Memorial Scholarship
For exceptionally qualified HS students with demonstrated financial need whose parents or guardians have, or had, a career in the financial services industry.
Due February 20.
Governor's Scholarship for Foster Youth
($2,000-$4,000) Helps young men and women from foster care continue their education and earn a college degree.
Due February 28.
GSBA Scholarship
($13,000) – For LGBTQ students and allied students who exhibit leadership potential, demonstrate strong academic abilities, and are actively involved in school and community organizations.
Deadline: 1.1.18
Incight Scholarship
For students with disabilities who have demonstrated outstanding merit in giving back to the community and overcoming obstacles in order to pursue higher education. $500 to $2,500.
Deadline: April 1
Indian Health Services Scholarships
For Native American students who plan to enter or are pursuing degrees in the health profession.
Due February 28.
INSPIRE Pre-College Scholarship
Full scholarship for Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian rising HS junior/seniors. Spend 3-weeks on the George Washington University campus to learn about intergovernmental relations between tribal governments and the federal government. Includes room and board, travel, materials and more.
Due March 1, 2020.
INSPIRE Pre-College Scholarship
Full scholarship for Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian rising HS junior/seniors. Spend 3-weeks on the George Washington University campus to learn about intergovernmental relations between tribal governments and the federal government. Includes room and board, travel, materials and more.
Due March 1.
Jack Kent Cooke College Scholarship Program
The Cooke College Scholarship Program is an undergraduate scholarship program available to high-achieving high school seniors with financial need who seek to attend and graduate from the nation's best four-year colleges and universities. Application due November 20, 2020.
Leadership 1000 Scholarship
($1,500-$5,000) – For students who will be attending an eligible four-year college or university in Washington state.
Due January 31, 2020.
LEAP Rise Above (aka LEAP1%) Scholarship Fund
($1,000-$5,000) - For Latino/a students. Must graduate this spring & enroll in college in fall. Applications are due in October and August.
Lexus and Scholastic Launch Contest for Middle and HS Students - Air & Climate Challenge
($10,000-$30,000) - STEM (Air & Climate) contest for grades 6-12. This challenge is an educational program and contest designed to inspire and empower students to learn about the environment and take action to improve it.
Deadline: 12.10.18
Louie Family Foundation Scholarship
$100,000 in scholarships available especially for students with strong academics and whose parents are in the military or veterans of the armed forces.
Due March 15, 2020
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
Need-based scholarships to the children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen who attend college or career training. Before applying, verify your eligibility.
Due March 3.
MicroSoft DisAbility Scholarship
($20,000) For HS students living with a disability, who plan to attend a 2- or 4-year university or college program, maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA or equivalent, and have declared a major from the approved list.
Due March 1.
Microsoft disAbility Scholarship
($20,000) - All candidates must be HS students living with a disability and plan to attend a 2 to 4-year university or college program, maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA or equivalent and have declared a major from the approved list.
Due March 2.
Mike Rowe's Work Ethic Scholarship Program
Willing to work hard and learn an in-demand trade?
Application due March 28, 2019.
NAEHCY Scholarship
NAEHCY will award a minimum of four (4) $2,000 scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic year. The unrestricted funds will be awarded once proof of post secondary education as been provided.
Due April 30.
National Federation of the Blind Scholarship Program
($3,000-$12,000) For blind college students. All scholarships awarded are based on academic excellence, community service, and leadership.
Due March 31.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program
For students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are pursuing careers in biomedical, behavioral, & social science health-related research. Must have a minimum 3.3 GPA or rank in the top 5% of their class & demonstrate exceptional financial need. Must be accepted to an accredited 4-year institution. Up to $20,000 per year. Renewable for 4 years.
Due March 18.
National WWII Museum Essay Contest
For MS/HS students. Write an essay on a particular topic. $500-1,000.
Deadline: 12.28.18
Navigate Your Future Scholarship
($2,500) For a HS graduate continuing their education in the aviation industry.
Deadline: June 28, 2019
Navy ROTC Scholarship Program
Currently provides $750 per academic year ($375 per semester or $250 per quarter), uniforms and Naval Science textbooks, and three summer cruises.
Subsistence allowance each academic month:
Freshmen - $250/month
Sophomore - $300/month
Junior - $350/month
Senior - $400/month
Scholarship recipients must complete military service obligations.
NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing
Honors young women in HS for their computing-related achievements and interests. Awardees are selected for their computing and IT aptitude, leadership ability, academic history, and plans for postsecondary education. Application due by November 5, 8 p.m.
Point Foundation
The Point Foundation provides college scholarships for LGBT students. Must be a high school senior. No citizenship required. History of leadership and/or allyship in issues that affect LGBTQ community. Must plan to continue this leadership/allyship in the future. No specific GPA but seeking candidates w/ high academic performance.
Power of Youth Challenge
Mini-grants to create and lead service project. For students 13-18. Due Mar. 31.
Pride Foundation Scholarships
Pride Foundation and The Greater Seattle Business Association (GSBA) award scholarships to build leadership and promote diversity in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and ally communities. Scholarships may be used for any post-secondary education including nontraditional degrees, trade or technical programs, community colleges, four-year public and private universities, and accredited certificate programs.
Students are eligible to receive more than one scholarship. One application qualifies you for 60 scholarships. Application due January 11, 2019.
Ron Brown Scholar Program
($10,000) - Applicants must be African American HS seniors who exhibit exceptional leadership potential & excel academically. Application due November 1.
Scholarship Poetry Contest - Summer
Open to all HS students. Applicant must submit an original poem with 20 lines or less. Up to $500.
Due March 31, 2019
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Scholarships - Art Award
The Scholastic Awards partner with organizations to offer students scholarships and Special Achievement Awards: Special opportunities to receive additional scholarships for works in certain categories or dealing with particular themes.
Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Scholarships - Writing Award
For 7-12th graders. Submit an original piece of art or writing. $500-1,000.
SEA-MAR Farm Worker Scholarship
($1,000) For students who work or have worked OR, whose parent/legal guardian is or has worked as a farm worker.
Due April 16.
SHPE Foundation Scholarship Program
($1,000-5,000) Merit-based and need-based scholarships. For Latinx HS graduating seniors, undergraduate students, & graduate students who demonstrate both significant motivation & aptitude for a career in STEM. Citizenship not required, but residency requirements vary.
Due April 30
Shui Kuen & Allen Chin Scholarship
For incoming freshman or current, full-time undergraduate at a four-year college or university.
Eligible if student or parent currently/formerly employed at an Asian-owned or Asian cuisine restaurant. Open to any ethnic heritage. Must demonstrate community advocacy and social justice work. No citizenship requirements.
Due March 2.
Sound Credit Union Scholarship
$1,000 individual scholarships. Must be a graduating HS senior who plans to attend a 2- or 4-year college, w/ a min. 3.0 GPS, & be a member of Sound Credit Union.
Due March 6.
TCI Club Scholarship
For students under 21 years of age, about to attend their first year of higher education, and who meet the height requirements of TCI— 5' 10 for women, and 6' 2 for men.
Deadline: March 1
The ACT Scholarship Giveaway
Enter for your chance to win a $15,000 Scholarship + $5,000 Tech Package in the ACT Scholarship Giveaway.
Eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors who register for the ACT® test between 9.3.2019 and 6.26.2020 are automatically entered for a chance to win. It’s that easy!
The Christophers’ Poster Contest
Open to 9-12 graders. Must create an original poster that interprets the theme “One Person Can Make a Difference,” and illustrates the idea that one person can change the world for the better. $100-$1,000.
Due February 18.
The Dream.Us National Scholarship
For DREAMers with DACA. Covers tuition and fees up to $14,500 for an AA. $29,000 for a BA at one of our Partner Colleges (EWU &UW). Renewable each year.
Deadline February 27, 2020
The Fair Chance Scholarship
The Washington State Fair awards this scholarship to Washington state students pursuing higher education at an accredited two or four year college, university or trade/technical school. Applicants must be currently working, volunteering, or involved in a school-sponsored activity at least 8 hours per month, on average. Prior involvement with the Fair (4H, FFA, etc.) and financial need may be considered, though neither is a requirement. The $3,000 awards are payable over two years ($1,500 each year). The deadline is to apply is February 8, 2019.
The Get Schooled $1,000 No Essay Scholarship
Enter each month from Feb-June for a chance to win a $1,000.
The Hamilton Award
Recognizes outstanding HS juniors for their academic, personal, and service achievements. Selects students for Leaders Academy – a 3-year, FREE program that helps students get into college, transition to college, succeed while in college, and transition post college. Deadline: 1-30-19
The Paradigm Challenge
($200 - $100,000) - Annual competition that invites students aged 4 to 18 around the world to use kindness, creativity, and collaboration to help solve a real life problem and make a difference in the world.
Due May 1.
The USDA/1890 Scholarship
The USDA/1890 National Scholars Program is a partnership between of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the 1890 Historically Black Land-Grant Universities. The USDA/1890 National Scholars Program will provide full tuition, employment, employee benefits, fees, books, and room and board each year for up to 4 years to selected students.
Due April 30.
The UW DO-IT Award
Prepares high school students with disabilities for college, careers, leadership, and independent living. For HS sophomore/ juniors w/a disability.
TheDream.US - National Scholarship
For DREAMers w/ DACA. Covers tuition & fees up to $14,500 for an AA & $29,000 for a BA at one of our Partner Colleges (EWU &UW). Renewable each year.
Due February 28.
Top Ten List Scholarship
($1,500) - In 250 words or less submit a response to the question: "Create a Top Ten List of the top ten reasons you should get this scholarship."
Deadline: 12.31.18
Truman D. Picard Scholarship
Dedicated to the support of Native American students pursuing a higher education in Natural Resources.
Due March 13.
Truman D. Picard Scholarship for Native Students
For Native American students pursuing a higher education in Natural Resources.
Due March 15.
Unigo $10K Scholarship
($10,000) - In 140 characters or less submit a response to the question: "Surprise! You just got elected president. What’s your first tweet?"
Deadline: 12.31.18
USDA Scholarships
The United States Department of Agriculture offers or is affiliated with several scholarships including one for students aspiriing to become veterinarians.
Vegetarian Resource Group Scholarship
One award of $10,000 & two awards of $5,000 will be given to HS students who have promoted vegetarianism in their schools and/or communities.
Due February 20.
Voice of Democracy Scholarship
Provided by the VFW, students in grades 9-12 are eligible for up to $30,000.
WA Association for Career Counseling & Employment Readiness Scholarship
For graduating HS seniors who have demonstrated excellence in the field of CTE.
Due March 6
Washington Apple Education Foundation
Multiple sources of scholarships for Washington students. WAEF awarded over $1,000,000 to students last year!
Due March 1.
Washington Opportunity Scholarship
For low- and middle-income students pursuing eligible high-demand majors in STEM or health care & encourages recipients to work in WA.
Washington State PTA Scholarship
$2,000 for 4-year postsecondary institutions. $1,000 for community and technical schools.
Deadline March 1.
Washington Women in Need Education Grant
Up to $5,000 over a one-year period to pay for tuition, mandatory fees, and required books and supplies at the approved Washington college or university of their choice. For females 18 and older. Application due April 12, 2020.
Western Union Family Scholarship
$2,500 for tuition or fees at an accredited postsecondary institution. Winners selected based on criteria relating to the program's three pillars: Perseverance, Aspiration, and Community.
Due April 30.
World of Children Youth Award
$25,000. Requires nomination. For youth under 21 who have made significant contributions in the lives of other children.
Due March 31, 2019
Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship
($2,000) - In 250 words or less submit a response to the question: "Imagine that your high school or college has been overrun with zombies. Your math professor, the cafeteria ladies, and even your best friend have all joined the walking dead. Flesh out a plan to avoid the zombies, including where you’d hide and the top-five things you’d bring to stay alive." Application due October 31, 2020.