Starlette Casey
High School Special Education Teacher
Where are you from?
High School and College Experience?
Teaching Experience?
Areas of knowledge?
How would you describe yourself and your hobbies and interests?
Words of Wisdom
I grew up in Spokane, Washington and graduated from Gonzaga Preparatory in 1982. I have attended
multiple colleges and universities: I have a bachelor’s degree from Eastern Washington University, a
teaching degree from the University of Washington, a master’s degree in Business and Organizational
leadership from Chapman University and special education certifications from Seattle University.
I have been teaching for 20 years; in addition, I worked as a national reading consultant for five years. I
provided instruction to teachers and building administrators on methods of reading instruction in grades
K-6 throughout the United States.
While teaching is my passion, travel is a close second. Exploring the world and experiencing other
cultures is a vital part of what makes me happy. I have been married for almost 38 years and we have
one son; he is a helicopter pilot in the US Coast Guard. We are a blessed family.
My motto is, “If you have to choose between being kind and being right, choose to be kind and you will
always be right”.